Blue Cross Blue Shield Federal Employee Program logo

Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan Brochure - 2023

Standard and Basic Options


Document list

Document Number Document Name Version Date Published
SB23.00.1.1 Cover page v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.00.1.2 Inside cover v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.00.1.3 Table of Contents v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.00.2.1 Introduction v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.00.2.2 Plain Language v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.00.2.3 Stop Healthcare Fraud! v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.00.2.4 Discrimination is Against the Law v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.00.2.5 Preventing Medical Mistakes v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23. No pre-existing condition limitation v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23. Minimum essential coverage (MEC) v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23. Minimum value standard v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23. Where you can get information about enrolling in the FEHB Program v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23. Types of coverage available for you and your family v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23. Family member coverage v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23. Children's Equity Act v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23. When benefits and premiums start v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23. When you retire v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23. When FEHB coverage ends v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23. Upon divorce v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23. Temporary Continuation of Coverage (TCC) v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23. Finding replacement coverage v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23. Health Insurance Marketplace v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.01.0 Section 1. How This Plan Works v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.01.1 General features of our Standard and Basic Options//We have a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.01.2 How we pay professional and facility providers v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.01.3 Your rights and responsibilities v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.01.4 Your medical and claims records are confidential v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.02.0 Section 2. Changes for 2023 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.02.1 Changes to our Standard Option only v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.02.2 Changes to our Basic Option only v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.02.3 Changes to both our Standard and Basic Options v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.03.1 Identification cards v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.03.2.0 Where you get covered care v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.03.2.05 Balance Billing Protection v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.03.2.1 Covered professional providers v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.03.2.2 Covered facility providers v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.03.3.0 What you must do to get covered care v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.03.3.1 Transitional care v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.03.3.2 If you are hospitalized when your enrollment begins v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.03.4.00 You need prior Plan Approval for certain services v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.03.4.01 Inpatient hospital/residential treatment center/skilled nursing facility admission v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.03.4.02 Other services v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.03.4.03 Surgery by Non-participating providers under Standard Option v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.03.4.04 How to request precertification for an admission or get approval for Other services v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.03.4.05 Non-urgent care claims v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.03.4.06 Urgent care claims v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.03.4.07 Concurrent care claims v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.03.4.08 Emergency inpatient admission v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.03.4.09 Maternity care v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.03.4.10 If your facility stay needs to be extended v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.03.4.11 If your treatment needs to be extended v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.03.5.0 If you disagree with our pre-service claim decision v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.03.5.1 To reconsider a non-urgent care claim v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.03.5.2 To reconsider an urgent care claim v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.03.5.3 To file an appeal with OPM v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.04.01 Cost share/Cost-sharing v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.04.02 Copayment v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.04.03 Deductible v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.04.04 Coinsurance v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.04.05 If your provider routinely waives your cost v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.04.06 Waivers v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.04.07 Differences between our allowance and the bill v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.04.08 Important Notice About Surprise Billing — Know Your Rights v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.04.09 Your costs for other care v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.04.10 Your catastrophic protection out-of-pocket maximum for deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.04.11 Carryover v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.04.12 If we overpay you v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.04.13 When Government facilities bill us v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.04.14 The Federal Flexible Spending Account Program – FSAFEDS v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05.01 Section 5. Benefits v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05.02 Section 5. Standard and Basic Option Overview v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05a.0 Section 5(a). Overview v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05a.01 Diagnostic and Treatment Services v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05a.02 Lab, X-ray and Other Diagnostic Tests v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05a.03 Preventive Care, Adult v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05a.04 Preventive Care, Child v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05a.05 Maternity Care v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05a.06 Family Planning v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05a.07 Reproductive Services v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05a.08 Allergy Care v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05a.09 Treatment Therapies v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05a.10 Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, and Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05a.11 Hearing Services (Testing, Treatment, and Supplies) v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05a.12 Vision Services (Testing, Treatment, and Supplies) v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05a.13 Foot Care v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05a.14 Orthopedic and Prosthetic Devices v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05a.15 Durable Medical Equipment (DME) v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05a.16 Medical Supplies v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05a.17 Home Health Services v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05a.18 Manipulative Treatment v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05a.19 Alternative Treatments v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05a.20 Educational Classes and Programs v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05b.0 Section 5(b). Overview v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05b.1 Surgical Procedures v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05b.2 Reconstructive Surgery v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05b.3 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05b.4 Organ/Tissue Transplants v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05b.5 Anesthesia v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05c.0 Section 5(c). Overview v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05c.1 Inpatient Hospital v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05c.2 Outpatient Hospital or Ambulatory Surgical Center v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05c.3 Blue Distinction Specialty Care v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05c.4 Residential Treatment Center v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05c.5 Extended Care Benefits/Skilled Nursing Care Facility Benefits v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05c.6 Hospice Care v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05c.7 Ambulance v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05d.0 Section 5(d). Overview v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05d.1 Accidental Injury v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05d.2 Medical Emergency v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05d.3 Ambulance v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05e.0 Section 5(e). Overview v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05e.1 Professional Services v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05e.2 Inpatient Hospital or Other Covered Facility v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05e.3 Residential Treatment Center v1.1 01/01/2023
SB23.05e.4 Outpatient Hospital or Other Covered Facility v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05e.5 Not Covered (Inpatient or Outpatient) v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.0 Section 5(f). Overview v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.01 There are important features you should be aware of v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.02 Who can write your prescriptions v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.03 Where you can obtain them v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.04 What is covered v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.05 Generic equivalents v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.06 Disclosure of information v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.07 These are the dispensing limitations v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.08 Important contact information v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.09 Patient Safety and Quality Monitoring (PSQM) v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.10 Prior Approval v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.11 Standard Option Generic Incentive Program v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.12 Asthma Medications v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.13 Anti-hypertensive Medications v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.14 Additional Covered Medications and Supplies v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.15 Over-the-counter (OTC) contraceptive drugs and devices v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.16 Immunizations when provided by a Preferred retail pharmacy that participates in our vaccine network v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.17 Diabetic Meter Program v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.18 Metformin and metformin extended release (excluding osmotic and modified release generic drugs) v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.19 Other Preferred Diabetic Medications, Test Strips, and Supplies v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.20 Medications to promote better health as recommended under the ACA v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.21 Generic medications to reduce breast cancer risk for women v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.22 Bowel preparation medications and antiretroviral therapy medications for HIV v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.23 Opioid Reversal Agents: Tier 1 medications limited to Narcan nasal spray and naloxone v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.24 How to obtain your prescription drugs and supplies v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.25 Smoking and Tobacco Cessation Medications v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.26 Not Covered v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05f.27 Drugs From Other Sources v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05g.0 Section 5(g). Overview v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05g.1 Accidental Injury Benefit v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05g.2 Dental Benefits v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05h.01 Health Tools v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05h.02 Services for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05h.03 Web Accessibility for the Visually Impaired v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05h.04 Travel Benefit/Services Overseas v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05h.05 Healthy Families v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05h.051 Diabetes Management Program v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05h.06 Blue Health Assessment v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05h.07 Diabetes Management Incentive Program v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05h.08 Hypertension Management Program v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05h.09 Pregnancy Care Incentive Program v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05h.10 Annual Incentive Limitation v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05h.11 Reimbursement Account for Basic Option Members Enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05h.12 MyBlue Customer eService v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05h.13 National Doctor & Hospital Finder v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05h.14 Care Management Programs v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05h.15 Flexible Benefits Option v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05h.16 Telehealth Services v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05h.17 The fepblue Mobile Application v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05i.0 Section 5(i). Services, Drugs, and Supplies Provided Overseas v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.05N.0 Non-FEHB Benefits Available to Plan Members v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.06 Section 6. General Exclusions - Services, Drugs, and Supplies We Do Not Cover v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.07 Section 7. Filing a Claim for Covered Services v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.08 Section 8. The Disputed Claims Process v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.09.1.0 When you have other health coverage v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.09.1.1 TRICARE and CHAMPVA v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.09.1.2 Workers' Compensation v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.09.1.3 Medicaid v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.09.2 When other Government agencies are responsible for your care v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.09.3 When others are responsible for injuries v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.09.4 When you have Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Plan (FEDVIP) v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.09.5 Clinical trials v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.09.6.1 When you have Medicare v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.09.6.2 The Original Medicare Plan (Part A or Part B) v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.09.6.3 Tell us about your Medicare coverage v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.09.6.4 Private contract with your physician v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.09.6.5 Medicare Advantage (Part C) v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.09.6.6 Medicare prescription drug coverage (Part D) v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.09.6.7 Medicare prescription drug coverage (Part B) v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.09.6.8 Primary payor chart v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.09.7 When you are age 65 or over and do not have Medicare v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.09.8 Physicians Who Opt-Out of Medicare v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.09.9 When you have the Original Medicare Plan (Part A, Part B, or both) v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.09.95 Cost-share when Medicare is your primary payor v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.10 Section 10. Definitions of Terms We Use in This Brochure v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.11 Index v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.12.1 Summary of Benefits for the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan Standard Option - 2023 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.12.2 Summary of Benefits for the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan Basic Option - 2023 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.13 2023 Rate Information for the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23.14 Entire brochure in page-number order v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-000-1 Cover page v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-000-2 Inside cover v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-001 1 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-002 2 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-003 3 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-004 4 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-005 5 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-006 6 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-007 7 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-008 8 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-009 9 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-010 10 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-011 11 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-012 12 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-013 13 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-014 14 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-015 15 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-016 16 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-017 17 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-018 18 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-019 19 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-020 20 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-021 21 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-022 22 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-023 23 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-024 24 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-025 25 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-026 26 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-027 27 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-028 28 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-029 29 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-030 30 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-031 31 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-032 32 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-033 33 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-034 34 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-035 35 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-036 36 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-037 37 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-038 38 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-039 39 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-040 40 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-041 41 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-042 42 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-043 43 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-044 44 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-045 45 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-046 46 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-047 47 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-048 48 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-049 49 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-050 50 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-051 51 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-052 52 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-053 53 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-054 54 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-055 55 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-056 56 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-057 57 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-058 58 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-059 59 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-060 60 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-061 61 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-062 62 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-063 63 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-064 64 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-065 65 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-066 66 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-067 67 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-068 68 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-069 69 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-070 70 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-071 71 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-072 72 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-073 73 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-074 74 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-075 75 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-076 76 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-077 77 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-078 78 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-079 79 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-080 80 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-081 81 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-082 82 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-083 83 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-084 84 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-085 85 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-086 86 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-087 87 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-088 88 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-089 89 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-090 90 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-091 91 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-092 92 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-093 93 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-094 94 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-095 95 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-096 96 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-097 97 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-098 98 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-099 99 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-100 100 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-101 101 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-102 102 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-103 103 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-104 104 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-105 105 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-106 106 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-107 107 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-108 108 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-109 109 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-110 110 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-111 111 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-112 112 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-113 113 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-114 114 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-115 115 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-116 116 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-117 117 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-118 118 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-119 119 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-120 120 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-121 121 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-122 122 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-123 123 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-124 124 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-125 125 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-126 126 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-127 127 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-128 128 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-129 129 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-130 130 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-131 131 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-132 132 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-133 133 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-134 134 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-135 135 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-136 136 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-137 137 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-138 138 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-139 139 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-140 140 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-141 141 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-142 142 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-143 143 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-144 144 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-145 145 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-146 146 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-147 147 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-148 148 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-149 149 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-150 150 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-151 151 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-152 152 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-153 153 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-154 154 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-155 155 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-156 156 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-157 157 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-158 158 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-159 159 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-160 160 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-161 161 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-162 162 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-163 163 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-164 164 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-165 165 v1.0 01/01/2023
SB23-166 166 v1.0 01/01/2023